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Enquiry Number Generation


To generate a sequential number counter that functions as an enquiry identifier when creating enquiries of any type across the platform. This modification ensures that the enquiry number, previously unique to a lease company, will now be unique at the ViSN level.

Technique Overview

To generate the sequence enquiry number, distributed counter technique will be used. More about this can be found in link provided in references


  • A collection will be created containing a predefined set of documents, where each document will be assigned a sequential number as its unique document Id.

  • Each document will have a field count with value 0.

  • Firestore Location of enquiry number counter /ancillary/counters/enquiryNumber


  • To increment the counter, pick a document at random and increment the count of that document.

  • To get the next enquiry number, sum the values in each document. This will be the next enquiry number.

Abandoned Enquiries

If a generated enquiry number remains unused for any reason, it will be categorised as an abandoned enquiry number.

These enquiries will be stored in location /ancillary/abandonedEnquiries/enquiries in firestore.


Status: Accepted
Category: Protected
Authored By: Gladson on May 15, 2023